Thank you for joining us at Good Grief Festival. We hope you found it helpful, entertaining and supportive. The response so far has been incredible and we will be spending the coming weeks reflecting on how we can continue to support the Good Grief community through further events, the Grief Channel and by providing opportunities for you to connect and share with eachother.
We understand that participating in the festival may have been an emotional experience for you. There are a number of amazing organisations offering support and you’ll find a list of those resources here. We encourage you to reach out to them – and to those around you – if you need a little support.
Our events were viewed 32,000 times over the weekend by 12,000 people so please know that you are part of a community and you are not alone. Join the conversation on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Thank you for your support, honesty and courage.
The Good Grief Team Xx

We would be hugely grateful if you could spare a few minutes to tell us about your experience of the festival – click here to access the survey.
Evaluation of the reach and impact of Good Grief is really important – if everyone completes the survey, we will have a great chance of making the festival an annual event. The information we receive will also help us make sure the festival meets the needs of the community. There are no right or wrong answers and it really is short!

Many of you have already signed up for on-demand access to video content from the festival through the Grief Channel. This will be available from November 16th and you’ll be sent login information when we launch. If you haven’t signed up, it’s not too late, we’ll be offering access to 60+ hours of content from the festival for £20 until November 24th.
If you wish to claim your CPD points (as part of your Grief Channel subscription) you will receive an email next Monday inviting you to opt-in for those. We’ll send you a certificate shortly after this.