Taskin Saleem
In Taskin Saleem’s role as the Chief Executive of Subco Trust in Newham, London, she helps provide a range of services for Asian elders and their families; partnerships across community organisations; training and capacity building.
Since 1983, Taskin has been involved in a range of voluntary community and faith organisations, setting up services and campaigning on a range of issues: disability, race equality, Advance Planning, end of life care, young people, elders, carers, women and children facing domestic violence, and health inequalities.
She is extremely passionate about campaigning, particularly communities from diverse backgrounds and the day-to-day issues facing diverse communities and the detrimental impact of institutional and direct racism on individuals, families, and groups.
She has a close working relationship with many organisations both locally to London and nationally in the UK, working and developing with new partners and is collaborating on several projects that will impact positively on residents of Newham.
Taskin has sat on a range of boards and steering group in the statutory sectors and is currently (2023) the Chair of the Diverse Communities Forum in Newham. She hasĀ worked for both Newham Council and the voluntary sectors in Newham and Redbridge for over 40 years.