Conference Opening and Better Out of Hours Palliative and End of Life Care
About the event
The opening session for the 2023 conference will concentrate on out of hours palliative and end of life care, an issue of profound importance to people living with terminal illness and their families and informal and professional carers.
The session will feature research projects funded by Marie Curie, including the Better End of Life programme, and will feature a panel discussion on how people’s experience of out of hours care could be improved.
At the end of the session, Marie Curie’s Chief Executive Matthew Reed, will present the Susie Wilkinson Award to a member of Marie Curie staff who has made significant personal progress in the development of their research capacity.
This session will include the following presentations:
- Welcome and opening of the conference
- 70 years of end of life care out of hours: How far have we come? with Dr Emma Carduff and Raquel Fantoni
- Palliative care during evenings, nights and weekends: the latest evidence and what it means for practice with Professor Fliss Murtagh (University of Hull)
- Panel Discussion
- Presentation of the Susie Wilkinson Award